It checks if there is any box element on the choosen layer. Polygons with a rectangular shape will not be marked as violation.
Polygons with circular shapes are marked as a violation. There are no circles in the GDS file format any regular polygon with 8 or more points will be detected as a circle.
Any shape on the choosen layer is marked as a violation.
Any path element on the choosen layer is marked as a violation.
Any polygon element on the choosen layer is marked as a violation.
Any text on the choosen layer is marked as a violation.
Shapes with one or more points not on the entered grid are marked as a violation.
It is checked, if there are any other elements on the choosen layer, other than polygons with a circular shape. This function may be especially useful for layers which are drilled. Additionally, circles can be checked using their radii. This is does by setting a lower and upper limit of the radii.
It checks if there are any other elements on the active layer other than rectangles. A rectangle can be a box, a rectangular polygon in any orientation or a 2 point path with no circular caps.
For final mask data preparation or calculation of parasitic effects, overlapping shapes are often a problem because this area may be exposed twice or is double calculated in area calculations. This feature checks a single layer to identify whether or not there are overlapping shapes.