A static class for any global setup. More...
In this cell you can modify the basic setup.
Alternative you can call the ''set'' method to modify any value. The ''set'' method is the preferred method in the LayoutEditor for Python.
Scripting from Python:
The class setup has only static members and accessing static class member variables from Python is a bit different. Next to the setup::set(...) way this work.around can be used:
print SetUp.fontSize
print cvar.setup_fontSize #further option to access it from Python
Add ''datatype'' the the list of datatypes, which are ignored in the BuildConnections feature.
Lamda value for the preview of the Alliance physical format.
If true, all layers not used in the current design are disabled atfer a loading
If true, layer setting will be loaded from working folder on start of the LayoutEditor. Files in the format layermap and display.drf files will be loaded. To use technology macros use autostart macros instead. (introduced with release 20200202)
If true, layer setting will be save to disc on shutdown of the LayoutEditor and restored on program start.
After this time in minutes any design (layout and schematic) is saved to the temporary system folder as backup. The store is only performed if the design was modified. Set this value to 0 to disable this feature.
A file name of a macro is named which is executed automaticly after program start. If the string a empty no auto start macro will be called. For more details please see the [[SetupDialog#Autostart_Macro|setup dialog]]
A list of triggers that will start the autostartMacro. Available triggers are:
Trigger: | Feature: |
layoutStart | after start of the LayoutEditor, this event will not be triggered if also the layoutNew event is enabled |
layoutNew | opening a new layout window |
layoutOpen | after opening a design in the layout window |
schematicNew | opening a new layout window |
This feature was introduced with release 20180420.
holds the pathes where callback macros and tcl callbacks for the [[iPDK]] are searched.
It checks if a setup for the given netlist type exists. If not or if the setup is empty the default setting is used for the setup of this netlist type. The default setup can be adjusted with the setup::setNetlistFormat command or with the SetupDialog. Please see NetlistGeneration for more details on generating netlists.
Clears the list of datatypes, which are ignored inthe BuildConnections feature.
If true, regular polygon are saved as circle in cif files.
of the design. If more than one top cell exists, the top cell with the most shapes is used. Some CIF viewer need this option to avoid a warnings.
The angle pro point for conversion of circles to polygons.
Field delimiter for the csv file format import/export.
Remove the entry ''name'' from the user data.
Removes all entries from the user data.
Returns: the user data for name
User specific data for name is stored. The data will be stored with the setup data of the LayoutEditor and will be available after a restart of the LayoutEditor. Although the data size has no limitations, it is intended for a small amount of data.
The iteration depth of bezier elements. The number of additional points can be calculated by (2^defaultBezierIteration)-1.
The default cap of path elements.
Value | Cap |
0 | flat ended caps |
1 | round caps |
2 | square ended caps |
The default width of path elements.
Selfintersecting polygons (polygons where two boaderlines cross) are fixed automaticly.
Points which have no effect in a polygon are removed. e.g. three point in a line, the middle point is removed.
Angle limitation for creating new shapes:
Values: | |
0 | all angle |
1 | fine angles (5°) |
2 | 45° |
3 | 90° |
The default text presentation of new created text element.
Value: | Alignment: |
0 | top/left |
1 | top/horizontal center |
2 | top/right |
4 | vertical centered/left |
5 | centered |
6 | vertical centered/right |
8 | bottom/left |
9 | bottom/horizontal center |
10 | bottom/right |
The default width of text elements.
net names to be stored under specialnets section instead of the net section in the DEF file. This setting will be be stored after program shut-down.
Extra information store in the DEF file. This can be used to store SITE or ROW or any other information not handled by the LayoutEditor in a DEF file. This setting will not be stored after program shut-down.
Extra OpenAccess libraries used to search required cells and via for a DEF load. This setting will not be stored after program shut-down. (introduced with release 20201230)
The reference depth of the displayed cells. If is set to 0, all cellref are displayed.
If true, the name of the cells are display in cellrefs.
If true, the origin of cell ref will be displayed.
If true, the complete cells are display in cellrefs.
If the to a positive layer, cellrefs are only display with this layer number. Any negative value will disable this feature and all layers of the cellrefs are displayed. (introduced with version 20180429)
If true, text elements will be displayed. Otherwise all text elements are rendered as a dot only.
Layer used for board bounder in DSN output.
Comma separated list of all layers with keepout area in DSN output. The keep out area will be used for all signal layers.
If true, DXF arcs and bulge value are stored instead of the points of the arc.
If true, regular polygon are saved as circle in dxf files.
If true, layers records will be stored with its layer number and datatype like L100D2 instead of the layer name. (introduced with release 20200828)
unit in meter used for reading/writing of DXF files. A value of 0 uses the user units instead.
Character use for EOF in PS/EPS format: 0 for LFCR, 1 for LF
Additional scaling for PS/EPS files.
Path and file of the fontfile for text to polygon conversion and text display. A single digi as string will set the build-in font files.
The iteration depth of bezier elements in fonts for convertion to polygons. The number of additional points can be calculated by (2^defaultBezierIteration)-1.
size in pixel of documenting text in the drawing, e.g. ruler text, etc.
Returns: true, if a full license is installed. Otherwise false.
If true shapes with negative polarity will be stored on a different layer. If false a boolean operation will be performaed between shapes with positive and negative polarity.
If true pathes are checked for arcs. These arcs will be saved with circular interpolation.
If true, regular polygon are saved as circle in gerber files.
If true, gerber files are optimized to a minimal non exposure length.
Returns: a list with all datatype which are ignored in the BuildConnections feature.
Returns: the filename of the main lib.defs file with all OpenAccess Libraries (introduced with release 20180614)
If true, any layer/datatype combination in a gds file is maped to an other layer
If true, all boxes are saved as polygons
If true, the layers are mapped during GDSII file load/file save.
The maximal number of points for polygons and path elements can be set. If elements have more points, they are splited during the gds save into two or more elements. The technical limit of the GDS file format is 8191. In early GDS versions this number was limited to 200 points.
The gds file format is limited to 8191 point per record. So polygons are limited to the number of points as well. As a workaround it is possible to save multi record for the points. This is not part of the gds standard, but supported by some viewers. If false, all poygons are splitted into a couple of polygon to store all information.
If true, shapes on disabled layers are not saved to GDSII.
If true, the length of stored gds files is extended to N*2048 Bytes by add 0 to the end of the file. Some tape storages and old system may need this opention to handle the files.
If true, all path elements with a width bigger than 0 are stored as polygons in GDSII files.
if not empty, the elements of each cell will be sorted on GDS save. Possible values are identical to the method cell::sortElements. (introduced with release 20230329)
If true, an additional cell LayerNames is created with the current layer setup during file save. On file load this cell is processed, the layer setup made accordingly and the cell is removed. This layer storage is not part of the GDS standard.
If true, the output of Raith GDSII extensions is enabled. Also the MBMS-dialog can be used aber activating this option. (introduced with release 20220323)
If true, the text height will be stored as maginfication only. The width record will be omitted. There is not clear GDS how to store text height. Some tools prefer the magnification way. (introdcued with release 20200514)
If true, all text elements are saved as polygons. The current design is converted as well. gdsTextToPolygonDefaultWidth is used for scale independent text elements. For details see below.
If gdsTextToPolygon is true, this value is used for scale independent text elements. If it is 0, scale independent text elements are not converted.
If gdsValidate is true, a validation on any store GDSII file is made. Also a sha1 checksum is stored next to any GDSII file.
Returns: the description of the netlistformat
Returns: the description of hierarchical components in the netlist
Returns: the description of hierarchical components in the model section of netlist
If true, any text is displayed non rotate and non mirror for a optimal readability.
style of the layer dock, 0 for automatic
Layer on which nominal bounding box of the cell will be added. In LEF file the nominal bounding box must not be identical with the real box dimensions.
If ture layer information are included in a LEF file. This option was introduced with release 20210512, previous releaes always include layer infos.
horizontal pitch of the LEF file. This setting will not be stored after program shut-down.
vertical pitch of the LEF file. This setting will not be stored after program shut-down.
Extra information store in the LEF file. This setting will not be stored after program shut-down.
A list of paths is set containing the macro tree to be added to the main menu.
holds the pathes where models for the 3d view are searched.
The type of the mouse in the drawing windows can be set:
Value | Mouse |
0 | single point |
1 | litle cross |
2 | cross over drawing |
3 | dual cross |
If true, netlist are automatically extracted after any modification of the design.
See also: Autotrigger of building Connections/Netlists
If true, extracted netlists will contain any connected cell reference as a netlist device. If false only cell refereneces with type information/devicename will be added as a device to a netlist.
Returns: a list with all defined netlist formats
Regular expression for nodes, which should be defected as global.
Any device type name and node name is converted to upper characters while importing netlists from structual VHDL files.
The component library from the schematic is used as well to match imported devices.
Prefix for node names, if not named via the text element.
If true, bigger repetitions will be loaded within an additional hierarchy to reduce file size (introduced with release 20241007)
If true, any layer/datatype combination in a oasis file is maped to an other layer
The OASIS file format is optional able to store the layer names. If option is true, the layer names of the LayoutEditor will be adjusted when loading the design file (introduced with release 202004105)
If true, strict table as defined will be created within the Oasis file. This reduces the save processing time, but may increase the loading time in some other tools. (introduced with release 20241007)
If false, cell not containing any element will not be saved. An unresolved reference will be created (introduced with release 20241012)
The OASIS file format is optional able to store the layer names. If option is true, the layer names of the LayoutEditor will be saved with the design file (introduced with release 20240808)
If true, the layers are mapped during OASIS file load/file save.
If true, disabled layers are not saved to GDSII
If true, compressed blocks are used to write oasis files
If true, regular polygon are saved as circle in oasis files.
If true, suitable polygon are saved as ctrapezoid in oasis files.
See also: using Ctrapezoids/Trapezoids
If true, suitable polygon are saved as trapezoid in oasis files.
unit in meter used for reading/writing of OFF files. A value of 0 uses the user units instead.
Layer use to store the place&route boundary polygon on. If this layer contains more than one polygon a random of these polygons will be used to store the boundary to the OpenAccess format. In case this value is negative the boundry information will be ignored in OpenAccess databases. (introduced with release 20200630)
If true, the shapes loaded from and stored to a openAccess database will be maped to the same layer name instead of the same layer number. For example shapes on layer '2 POLY' in the OpenAccess database wil added to '5 POLY' in the LayoutEditor in case the layer 5 has that name. If disabled shapes on layer 2 in the openAccess database stay on layer 2 independent to its layer name. (introduced with release 20200418)
if not empty, it will be search at this path for an OpenAccess PyCell plugin on startup of the LayoutEditor. If found the correct openAccess version is choosen for this installation. If set it is to CNI_ROOT ,the enviourment variable is used. Any modification of this value will take effective with the next restart. This feature was introduced with version 20180420.
if not empty, and if the installed PyCell package supports more than one Python version this value determine which version will be used. The value needs to contains the main and subversion separated with a dot. (e.g. "2.6" or "2.5"). With an empty value Python version 2.6 is used. This feature was introduced with version 20230209.
sets the style schematic are stored to OpenAccess. This feature was introduced with release 20200630.
Values: | |
default | store schematics with all available options |
cds | store schematic in cds style, option not available will not be stored |
The paint engine defines how the elements are displayed on the screen. Modifications will take affect after program restart.
value | engine |
0 | overlay: Elements are drawn over each other. |
1 | transparent: Elements are semi transparent. |
2 | stacked: Elements are painted in the order as used for the 3D view (using layer.level3d). |
If true connections to inner hole of polygon will be displayed. (introduced with release 20220721)
The thickness in pixel of fill polygon cen be adjusted. Valid values are 0, 1, 2. For all other values the outline will be drawn with a single pixel thickness. (introduced with release 20220721)
Value used for the solder mask clearance in all file format for PCB not explicite naming this value (e.g. Eagle, KiCad).
Value used for the solder cream clearance in all file format for PCB not explicite naming this value (e.g. Eagle, KiCad).
Additional pixel around the deisgn when saving inthe background color. The amount of pixel are the sum left and right. So on each side the halt of the pixel are added. (introduced with release 20201225)
For pixel import method map colors to layers ' only: The color resolution for pixel import can be set with this value. Values from 1 to 8 bit are possible. A value of 4 bit equals (2^4 )^ 3 = 4096 colors. Lower value will result in a better performance. Higher value in a better quality.
For pixel import method grey scale with dithering only:
Sets the used dithering method: 0 Floyd-Steinberg Dithering, 1 Jarvis, Judice, and Ninke Dithering, 2 Sierra Dithering (introduced with release 20181108)
For pixel import method grey scale with dithering only: Set whether black or white collor is used for background/pixel.
For pixel import method map colors to layers only: If a pixel file is imported, boxes are added to the layer with the closest color to the original pixel color. By activating this option all layer colors above the entered value are adapted for a optimal display. Set to -1 to disable any adaption.
Set the method used for the pixel image import. Two methods are available:
'''For pixel import method ''grey scale with dithering'' only:''' The relative size to the pixel size of the smallest allowed shape.
The resolution for pixel export in pixel per meter.
For pixel import method grey scale with dithering only: Number of sizes for shapes.
If true the place feature will will in PCB mode. In that mode a mirrored placing is not possible. Instead the component will be placed on the bottom off the PCB. The layers of the refered cell will be mapped.
unit in meter used for reading/writing of POV files. A value of 0 uses the user units instead.
Sets the toolbars to the default position after the next restart.
scroll direction of the arrow key can be changed if this value is set to true
Sets the parameter of the setup class to value. This method is a workaround for some python installation which fails to set static variables and should be used for python macros only.
stores the setup for the automatic placement function, (introduced with release 20200610)
sets the macro to be executed when pressing the auto-router-button, (introduced with release 20200610)
The bachground color is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The wirecolor for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The default device color for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The gridcolor is set. The gridpoint are painted in this color.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The highlightbrush is set. The same brushes as for layer are possible.
The highlightcolor is set. The highlichtcolor is used in the select and deselect modes to highlight the element/point to be selected with a mouse click.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The default instance color for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
Installs a license key.
The mousecolor is set. The mousepoint is painted in this color.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
Sets the decription of the netlistformat of type. Please see NetlistGeneration for details on netlist generation.
sets the decription of hierarchical components in the netlist will be defined.
sets the decription of hierarchical components in the model section of netlist will be defined.
The default pin color for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The selectcolor is set. All select element/points are painted in this color.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The strong highlightbrush is set. The same brushes as for layers use are possible. (introdiuced with release 20201124)
The strong highlightcolor is set. The strong highlichtcolor is used for net tracing. (introdiuced with release 20201124)
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The default text color for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The wirecolor for the schematic is set.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
The zerocolor is set. In the zerocolor the zeropoint of the coordinatessystem is painted.
Parameter: | |
red | red channel |
green | green channel |
blue | blue channel |
If true, a grid is painted in the drawing.
If true, icon are shown next the menu entries.
If true, the port names in the SchematicEditor are always displayed . If false the port names are only displayed with the mouse pointeron the component.
Situation when a report is shown automaticly.
value | show report on |
-1 | never |
0 | fatal error |
1 | error |
2 | strong warnings |
3 | warnings |
4 | information |
5 | always |
If true, a scale is painted in the drawing.
If true, a small symbol is display next to the mouse cusor in case a snapping was made. (introduced with release 20180503)
Database units for the source format
unit in meter used for reading/writing of STL files. A value of 0 uses the user units instead.
Character use for EOF in SVG format: 0 for LFCR, 1 for LF
Conversionfactor, if tld/tlc file are saved in lamda values. Value in µm.
enables regular checks for updates
Sets the OpenAccess plugin to be used. It had to be called with before creating the first window. The string mus contain the OpenAccess version number without any prefix like setup.useOaVersion("22.50"). This feature will have no effect in LayoutEditor macros. There the OpenAccess version to be specified as parameter on program start.
Return: the version numer of the currently used LayoutEditor package (introduced with release 20200214)
mouse wheel direction for zooming can be changed by this value.
Return: true, if the background is set to white or almost white. Otherwise false is returned.
The path is set containing the macro tree to be added to the main menu.
holds the relative path where callback macros and tcl callbacks for the iPDK are searched. Multi pathes are separated with a :. this method can only used for read out. To set the callback path, please use setup::callbackPath.
Postfix of the used python command. For example if you want to use python3.5, set this value to ''3.5''. (Linux and Mac only, no effect on Windows). From version 2020412 a single python version is supported. This is Python 3.7 or Python 3.8 for most packages.