The main widget class of the schematic. More...
This class is the main widget of the windows from which the macro was executed. It is directly accessible via the classname "schematic".
Most methods of this call require a user dialog. A direct access of the drawing is possible via the member drawing.
Set the feature of an extra keyboard. key is the number of the key. It is numbered from 0 to the amount of keys the keyboard has. function is the feature code of the featur you want to add. As toolbutton, modification of the extra keyboard are not store and it is recommended to set it with an autostart macro. (introduced with release 20210905)
Will set an key of an external keyboard to a macro. key is the number of the key at the keyboard. macroFileName os the full path of the macro, title the capture and IconFileName the full path of the icon file. (introduced with release 20210910)
Add a new button to the toolbars. The button will be added to the toolbar 'Macros'. If this toolbar does not exist, it will be created. macroName specifies the name of the macro to be executed. iconfilename points to the file for the icon of the new button. If the given file does not exist, the default macro icon is used. MacroToolButtons will not stored with shut-down. parameter should be an empty string and is reserved for future extensions.
This class is the main class of the drawing. It holds all relevant information. schematicDisplay
This string hold the current filename.
Returns: an encoded string containing all required information to restore the current toolbar and dock window setup. With setToolbarState the current setup can be restored.
Hides the named toolbar.
Holds the name of the toolbar containing custom macros. The name must be set before the first macro is added to the toolbar. (introduced with release 20211216)
Reset the shortcut with the feature code as parameter to its default value. (introduced with release 20231115)
disabled or enabled a single menu entry or a hole menu. (introduced with release 20191206)
Use this function to modify any existing shortcut. It returns true, if the modification was successful.
{{{ layout->setShortcut("&Zoom Fit All","F"); // set 'F' to zoom fit layout->setShortcut("&Zoom Fit Selection","Shift+F"); // set 'Shift F' to zoom fit selection }}}
Shortcuts are not saved with program shutdown and the modifications will not affect new opened windows. So it should usualy placed in a autostart macros to have the modified shortcut available in all windows.(introduced with releease 20180523)
As the overloaded method, but with the feature code as parameter.(introduced with releease 20180523)
disabled or enabled a toolbar. (introduced with release 20191206)
Sets the toolbar and dock window configuration. The string parameter needs to be created with the getToolbarState.
Shows the named toolbar.
converts the current schematic sheet to a layout drawing.
Add a new tool bar, separate multipli buttons with a ';'.
layout->toolBarAdd("my toolbar","New Layout;Zoom Mouse;Code 39;Quit");
the current sheet as netlist. Type had to be defined in the setup before.
OBSOLETE: Please use drawing->generateNetList() instead.
exports the current sheet as netlist. Type had to be defined in the setup before.
OBSOLETE: Please use drawing->saveNetList() instead.