Release 20220423
Release Date: 23.04.2022
Change Log
- New Features:
- support of additional extra keyboards

- cellref arrays along a path and cellref arrays polar placed
- fill selected shapes with optional align setting
- path and polygon properties with add/delete point option
- improved permanent ruler
- add hierarchy feature
- set cell origin by dialog
- relation select feature
- new Boolean Operation "A-B (multi-shape)" respecting the number of shape at each location
- bow improvement feature
- improved bus port support in the schematic
- File Formats:
- GDS:
- support of Raith extensions
- raith_GDS_extension.layout example macro
- raith extension circle/ellipse are converted to path/polygon
- CIF:
- DXF:
- improved spline import
- HATCH with elliptic arc start/end angle
- support of negative extrusion direction of LW_polylines
- fixes some transformations problems with Y-mirror
- OpenAccess:
- fix inaccurate placed port and busport on some schematic imports
- fix wire label assignment on some schematic imports
- store of layer names
- color output of layers
- Spice:
- support of .include statements
- Macros:
- add new method to class cell:
- void cell::selectArea(double minArea, double maxArea, int layerSource)
- void cell::selectDimension(int minWidth, int maxWidth, int minLength, int maxLength, int layerSource)
- void cell::selectRelation(int layerA, int layerB, string relation)
- void cell::bowImprovementSelect( double detectAngle, int pointFactor,int minLength)
- changes in class drawingField:
- void drawingField::fillSelectedShapes(cell*,int align=0) with align option
- add: void drawingField::addHierarchy(int nx,int ny)
- add new method to class element:
- bool element::isRaithMBMSPath()
- void element::setPropertyString(string p,string s)
- string element::getPropertyString(string name)
- bool element:: decodeRaithPxxData(int ,double ,double ,double,int ,int,int*)
- void element::encodeRaithPxxData(int ,double ,double ,double,int ,int,int)
- void element::setRaithDosis(double)
- double element::getRaithDosis()
- changes in class layout:
- point layout::getMousePoint() now updates the gui before it is executed to update layers and design position
- add: string layout::macroToolbarName
- add new method to class setup:
- static bool setup::gdsStoreRaithExtensions
- static bool setup::lefStoreLayerInfos
- add new method to class schematic:
- string schematic::macroToolbarName
- add new method to class textEdit:
- string textEdit::macroToolbarName
- fix componentLibrary::getComponent returning invalid data in some cases
- Bug Fixes:
- show all layer in centext menu
- group may cause crash in some cases
- separate holes when removeNotNeededPoint is turned off
- display distance to other elements in element size
- drc min-size will only outout a single message on neighbored violations
- copy&paste of busports in the schematic
- display of non standard units (e.g. 2.5e-7m) with a '*' sign
- link to .layout files to the TextEditor on Windows
- not supported streamdeck mini ignored on Windows
- update Python to 2.7.12 python bug decimal library on Windows
- TextEditor lexer failed on some systems
- on Window check for set of HOME, OpenAccess may cause hanger in not set
- schmatic editor may crash when a used symbol was missing
- support of pathes for newer LTSpice versions
- blocked dock window resizing in some stiuations
- non-sense scalling after opening some schematics
- error messages when using lec as library file
- adding a port on a schematic wire did not add a wire point
- derived layer for area+dimension may crash on user interaction
- derived layer dimension did not repect all entered user values
- using import layer in the free version without a license key
- license issues when using some VPN