Release 20221126
Release Date: 26.11.2022
Change Log
- New Features:
- display option to display polygons without connection lines to holes
- display option to display shapes with thicker outline

- Add a Cell Hierarchy dock widget

- edit custom fill styles

- Add a minimum edge length check in the design rule checker
- cell deselect by name via status bar
- feature to automatically select element with an identical shape
- support of Apples M-series processors for MacOS 12.3 and heigher
- box convert to path as 2 point path with width
- File Formats:
- GDS:
- hanging of user interface when loading corrupt GDS file
- support of 'GDS_width' attribut in prop table at file end
- handling of intergers with leading '0'
- support of forward defined text
- DXF:
- import LWPOLYLINE ending with a bulge & mirrored
- store/read DXF $INSUNITS in HEADER
- experimental HELIX support
- SVG:
- support of matrix transformation with scaling/rotation
- Gerber:
- better format detection
- import comments starting with an #
- Qucs:
- improved QucsStudio support
- Spice:
- netlist import with .ends without parameter
- Macros:
- add new method to class booleanHandler:
- void booleanHandler::clear();
- add new method to class cell:
- void cell:setMirrorxSelect();
- void cell::toggleMirrorxSelect();
- void cell::clearMirrorxSelect();
- void cell::deselectCellref(QString cellname)
- void cell::selectIdentical();
- int cell::countSelectCircles();
- int cell::countSelectElements();
- int cell::countSelectShapes();
- void cell::setPresentationSelect(int);
- void cell::sortElements(string type);
- add new method to class drc:
- void drc::minimumEdgeLengthOnLayer(int edgeSize, int layer);
- add new method to class dialog:
- int dialog::addLayer( int defaulLayer)
- bool dialog::getBool(int id);
- int dialog::addCheckBox(string label,bool checked=false);
- add new method to class drawingField:
- drawingField::setPresentation(int);
- void drawingField::setMirrorx();
- void drawingField::clearMirrorx();
- void drawingField::toggleMirrorx();
- add new method to class setup:
- static bool setup::paintHoleConnection;
- static bool setup::paintThickLines;
- Bug Fixes and Minor Adjustments:
- clear button for boolean operations
- multi count of multi self-intersection polygons in the DRC
- LayoutScript for Python List function in class element for retuning value lists instead of pointers
- set default value when reating MBMS paths for raith systems
- background image cut off on MacOS
- memory leak in select Cell
- pointArray::separate check for single/dual point 'holes'
- stacked paint engine: grid always in front
- cut may fail if cut-source point on corner (rounding error)
- macro function string::toDoubleFromEng only checks first non digit character
- crash on routeNode click when not existing
- layer tool dock will adjust font size if layer name is too long
- bow improvment to reduce number of points
- circle alignment in polygon properties by side or by point on x-axis
- set fix scale on empty cell scaleFull()
- layout set initial scale and pos to origin
- LayoutScript for Python hangs after double calling of scaleFull on emtpy cell on Windows systems